A Wonderful Bouquet....
Simplicity is key here - instead of an overwhelming menu of designs we offer 3 bouquet sizes to choose from...
Lovely - Medium
Splendid - Large
Wonderful - XLarge with vase
Pick your favourite colour choice from the menu above and we’ll select the perfect blooms to fit that scheme.
A card will be sent with your flowers, so be sure to add your card message.
You'll find pictured here a selection of the bouquets we've made in this size as a guide.
Can't find what you're looking for?
Not to worry, Contact Us to discuss your requirements.
We ask that orders are placed 2 days+ before the delivery date.
This ensures the freshest of blooms for our customers (very important to us!) and minimises waste.
Wonderful | XLarge Handtied Bouquet
- Handtied bouquet. Your flowers will arrive in water.
- Vase included.
- A Boxed Bouquet. Wonderful presentation.
- Available for delivery or collection.
- Blooms selected by an expert floral designer.
- Size guide: Lovely - Medium. Splendid - Large. Wonderful - Extra Large